Stratego Gravon Championship 2013

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Stratego Gravon Championship 2013

Dear Stratego Players,

the Gravon Strategp Online Championship will start at 1st of May.

Below you find the tournament rules and the most important links.

In addition we will post the results for a better overview at a

special "result-site". the tourney-organization is done by our

users zach21 and ruben87 (thanks for that)

May the best win! - the gravon admin team



  • Eligible to participate are all players:
    • with an unbanned nick name
    • who can play ranked games
    • who are not banned for Gravon tournaments
  • please notice, that we only allow one player from each ip adress. this is if several players (e.g.: father, son, brother etc.) play from one household, only one can join the tournament.
  • The tournament will start with a group stage followed by a knock out system for the last sixteen.
  • Please join the the tournament only, if you can play the whole competition.
  • Joining the tournament with more than one nick (double-nick) will cause a Gravon and tournament banning.
  • Leaving the tournament after the start without any notice will cause a tournament banning.

Games setting:

  • Games count only for the tournament, if they are played in the tournament rooms.
  • Tournament rooms are the Stratego rooms: xxx - xxx
  • The settings in these rooms are adjust to:
    • Ranking enabled
    • Bronstein clock 12 min / 50 min / 4 sec. (the middle one)
    • Games are viewable

Group stage

  • the tournament starts with 8 groups (A-H) a 5 players (see table below)
  • in case of less than 40 players the groups are adapted
  • within one group all play all twice (game + rematch) - so each players plays 10 games in total
  • best 2 scorer of each group go to knock out system
    • in case of equal points after all games its up to:
    • direct comparison, then
    • deciding game
  • all games must be played within 2 weeks (see time and link table below)

Groups / Gruppen

  • based on the 2013 yearly ranking: see table below - from April 27, 2013
    • in case that a player does not have a 2013 ranking, his classic overall rating will be used.
    • in case that a player does not a ranking at all, he gets a fixed rating of 500

  • Placing the Groups / Einteilung der Gruppen
Group stage / Gruppenphase
Group/Gruppe A Group/Gruppe B Group/Gruppe C Group/Gruppe D Group/Gruppe E Group/Gruppe F Group/Gruppe G Group/Gruppe H
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
P16 P15 P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 P9
P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24
P32 P31 P30 P29 P28 P27 P26 P25
P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 P38 P39 P40

Scoring group stage

  • 1 point for win, 0.5 for draw and 0 for loss. Each matchup within a group will be 2 games.

Scoring Knock Out system

  • 1 point for win, 0.5 for draw and 0 for loss.
  • first who gets 3 points
  • players have 1 week for all games - (see time and link table below)

Scoring Finals - Game place 3/4

  • first who wins 3 games - draws do not count

Schedule / appointsments

  • the players are responsible for their schedule
  • all appointments have to be made within the forum in the threat for each group
  • appointments outside the forum do not count
  • in case that 2 players cannot agree on a fixed appointment, they have to play at the mandority date
  • mandority date is the last sunday at the end of the group stage (see time table below) at 8:00 pm utc
  • a player can only play one match (game + regame) at the mandority date
    • in case that a player has to play more than 1 match at the mandority date, he loses all games
  • in case that a player does not show up to an appointment, the present player wins the match after 15 mins waiting
    • in group stage => 2:0
  • in case that both players does not show up, both get a loss
    • in group stage => 0:2
  • same rules for the mandority date
  • if a player does not post (legal) appointments, the tourney-organization can declair a loss to the player
  • please notice the several time zones within the player field - be sure that both talk about the same time zone

Game Rules

  • the players agree on blue or red pieces
  • the settings in the tourney rooms are fixed
  • please notice, that the "bronstein modus" can cause a draw by timeout, if a player has more personal time than the game time
    • this is by the rules and not unfair. for more information click here
  • visitors are not allowed to talk within a match. Fair Play please!
  • players have to follow the Gravon terms & services
  • the winner post the result in the forum

Tournament Organization

  • Organization is done by zach21 and ruben87
  • the tourney-organization is allowed to join the tournament.
  • In case that the rules do not cover a situation, the tourney-organization will post a decision for the players.
  • In case that the tourney organization is involved, spion or stratego will post a decision.
  • All decisions of the tourney-organization are final.


  • Da die Turnierleitung in diesem Turnier selbst mitspielt, wird bei Unstimmigkeiten und strittigen Angelegenheiten bei der Punktevergabe
    ein Schiedsrichter mit der Entscheidung betraut.
    Dieses Amt übernimmt Ruka.
    Somit gibt es eine klare Trennung zwischen der Turnierleitung und dem Schiedsgericht. noch das Wichtigste: Wir wünschen allen viel Erfolg aber vor allem jede Menge Spass!!!

Spieler / Player Ranking 27.04.2013

  • Nachfolgend das Rating der Spieler, welches für die Gruppenphase relevant ist.
  • Subsequent the rating of the players, which is relevant for the Group-Stage.

  • zurück ins / back to Forum

Nr. Spieler Rating Land Zeit
No. Player Rating Country time
1 playa1 0000 NL UTC +2
2 gentleben 0000 USA UTC -4?
3 acerimmer 00000 UK UTC +1
4 edbomb 0000 Ger UTC +2
5 Fonias 0000 Gr UTC +3
6 zach21 0000 USA UTC -4?
7 dcAnnies 00000 Ger UTC +2
8 Garulfo 0000 NL UTC +2
9 Grizzlybear 0000 Ger UTC +2
10 Stratego 0000 Ger UTC +2
11 Flieger 00000 Ger UTC +2
12 Major_Force 0000 USA UTC -5?
13 Ruben87 0000 NL UTC +2
14 Samuel 0000 UK UTC +1
15 Andi 00000 Ger UTC +2
16 Guru 0000 Ger UTC +2
17 Vobi70 0000 Ger UTC +2
18 Quicksilver 0000 NL UTC +2
19 Gpet0 00000 Gr UTC +3
20 Katama 0000 NL UTC +2
21 John_Ga 0000 Ger UTC +2
22 Lordoftheages 0000 NL UTC +2
23 Olafthueringer 00000 Ger UTC +2
24 Funken 0000 Ger UTC +2
25 Bolivar 0000 BE UTC +2
26 Cooky 0000 CA UTC ?
27 ukdevilz 00000 UK UTC +1
28 Hellas 0000 Gr UTC +3
29 Snelloc 0000 USA UTC ?
30 Jens14 0000 NL UTC +2
31 Hansie 00000 Ger UTC +2
32 captmark 0000 USA UTC ?
33 x 0000 y UTC
34 x 0000 y UTC ?
35 x 00000 y UTC
36 x 0000 y UTC
37 x 0000 y UTC
38 x 0000 y UTC
39 x 00000 y UTC
40 x 0000 y UTC


Nr. Spieler
No. Player
  Platzierung Gesamt
  Standing Total

Spiel Nr. Spieler 1 2   Punkte
Game No. Player 1 2 Points
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